May 27-30
I didn't take many pictures this week - too busy just learning my way around -- the office, the city, my neighborhood, the grocery store.

I made a scrumptious thai curry last night which is easy-peasy:
Take 1 cup of light coconut milk and heat it up with 1 tbsp of red curry paste for about 10 minutes. Stir in juice from 1/2 lime.
Meanwhile, chop up 1 large or 4 baby bok choy into bite sized pieces and boil them for about 5 minutes until tender.
Saute two fish filets (I used tilapia) in 1 tsp olive oil until cooked (about 5 minutes).
Remove fish filets from skillet and cook bok choy, juice from the other 1/2 lime, and 1 cup sliced shiitakes (get 'em fresh, it's easier) until everything looks hotsy-totsy.
Put the veggies on two plates, then a fish filet each, then drizzle the curry sauce over the top. I had mine with rice.
Today I'm going to the coffee shop to take advantage of their internet connection and do research for work. This is not as onerous as it sounds; I enjoy the coffee shop and I've been hiking all over my neighborhood for the past two days. Also, I'll need the coffee as I was up late last night. Doing what, you ask?

I never claimed not to be a nerd.

I made a scrumptious thai curry last night which is easy-peasy:
Take 1 cup of light coconut milk and heat it up with 1 tbsp of red curry paste for about 10 minutes. Stir in juice from 1/2 lime.
Meanwhile, chop up 1 large or 4 baby bok choy into bite sized pieces and boil them for about 5 minutes until tender.
Saute two fish filets (I used tilapia) in 1 tsp olive oil until cooked (about 5 minutes).
Remove fish filets from skillet and cook bok choy, juice from the other 1/2 lime, and 1 cup sliced shiitakes (get 'em fresh, it's easier) until everything looks hotsy-totsy.
Put the veggies on two plates, then a fish filet each, then drizzle the curry sauce over the top. I had mine with rice.
Today I'm going to the coffee shop to take advantage of their internet connection and do research for work. This is not as onerous as it sounds; I enjoy the coffee shop and I've been hiking all over my neighborhood for the past two days. Also, I'll need the coffee as I was up late last night. Doing what, you ask?

I never claimed not to be a nerd.
Cool colors on the sock. Would you ever wear it while riding the Doo-Cane Incline with me?
If you come over while it's still cool outside, I'll wear it on the Doo-Kayne Incline :) It might be a bit warm in July though.
If you feel like knitting me some more wool socks I wouldn't stop you :)
Ohhhh...that's a sock. Never mind what I was thinking...
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