A Ton of Pics
Didn't update yesterday b/c I was busy moving into the house where I'll be staying for the summer. It's in a cool neighborhood (something like East Lawrence) and it's one street over from the lake, which makes it exciting. A virtual tour:

My room:

Living room:


Me in the house:

When I got home tonight I went for a long walk - I have to take back the rental car on Thursday so from then on it's all hiking and biking. So I went down the lakeshore trail to see how long it takes to walk to work. Here's what I saw:
The ferry, up close:

A building with flying monkeys on top:

A glimpse of the lake between houses:

Mountains across the lake:

It's a lot like being at the ocean; there are seagulls everywhere, and boats, and ocean-type buildings next to the lake. Everything is huge mountains and green; considering where I come from, it's a little like being on the moon. But it's awfully pretty. My walk to work will be the best commute on earth!

My room:

Living room:


Me in the house:

When I got home tonight I went for a long walk - I have to take back the rental car on Thursday so from then on it's all hiking and biking. So I went down the lakeshore trail to see how long it takes to walk to work. Here's what I saw:
The ferry, up close:

A building with flying monkeys on top:

A glimpse of the lake between houses:

Mountains across the lake:

It's a lot like being at the ocean; there are seagulls everywhere, and boats, and ocean-type buildings next to the lake. Everything is huge mountains and green; considering where I come from, it's a little like being on the moon. But it's awfully pretty. My walk to work will be the best commute on earth!
Wow, that house looks cool and the town looks cool and beautiful and the most beautiful thing is that girl in the picture after the rooms. Yowza!
Walking or biking to work everyday along the water is awesome.
So do you have to share or what?
Oh yes. I am Sharing.
So how long does it take to walk to work?
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