Saturday up at 4:00 am to get to Brattleboro in time to set up for the big event. It was a roaring success, albeit too long. The highlight was Bernie Sanders giving a roaring pro-union speech:

He was followed by a gubernatorial candidates' forum. Let me just say that if you think there are some wingnuts running around in Indiana and Kansas, you should listen to some of the wackos running for office in Vermont.
Today I went south on the bike trail, and ended up at another lighthouse:

Here's me looking at the lighthouse:

Here's me with the lighthouse:

I sat on the shore for a long time watching boats and ferries and sailboats and ducks and swimmers and seagulls and clouds and mountains... it was a very busy beach.
Here's a henge:

Being good Vermonters, the henge-builders wanted to make sure that future archaeologists had no doubt as to what the henge was for, so they stuck a clearly-marked sundial in the middle of it:

I imagine, however, that future archaelogists will say to themselves, "These jokers had digital watches. What the hell did they need a henge for?"
Here's a cool old drawbridge across an old canal that was built when Burlington was a big lumber center. (The draw bridge is the tall square thing. The arched bridge is part of the bike path.)

There are mysterious doings right now on Depot Street:

Turns out there are blackberries getting ripe! It was picked pretty clean but I did find a couple ripe ones. Here are some not-ripe ones:
